Blocking Four Ambassadors With One Body

"A lesson to all living beings: as light shines on water, there is good and evil, when the mother descends to the world, all wanderers will return home."

With the flipping of the White Lotus Book in the hands of the Celestial Ceremony Ambassador, along with the reverberation of the Lection characters, there was a sudden change in the Celestial World which was isolated by the Celestial Vase Ambassador. A dark whirlpool was sinking and the borderless Sea of Sufferings was formed. Light rays were floating above the ocean, depicting all kinds of beauty. It was motivating, quiet, and so much like home.

While at the suffering ocean, pale horrifying arms extended out in the dark whirlpool, trying to pull the immortals who tried to cross the Sea of Sufferings deep into the sea, letting them sink forever and never to be released. They could only achieve redemption if they believed in the Ajati Matriarch.