Advancement: Tier 1 Mortal Pill Refiner

After resting for half an hour, Mo Wuji felt a lot better as stood up to find a safer place to rest and make sense of the situation.

Mo Wuji struggled to carry the pill furnace, trekking for less than one kilometre. That was when he saw a dead corpse. He recognised that corpse; it belonged to one of the seven pill refiners.

Theoretically, Tier 3 pill refiners were cultivators who had already advanced past the Channel Opening Stage. When Mo Wuji encountered this pill refiner’s corpse, he really thanked his lucky stars. It was really a stroke of luck that he managed to survive the failure during the transfer.

Mo Wuji started to search the pill refiner’s body and collected all the useful items; he even found some spirit stones. These stones rich in spiritual energy were items Mo Wuji only dreamed of obtaining. However, he really couldn't lift his spirits even as he kept the stones. He also found some healing pills which he ate to recover himself.