Lucky To Be Alive

Lightning Room 1 was located on the ninth floor of the Fringe City Immortal Training Tower, and it was the first training room that came into Mo Wuji’s field of vision when he arrived on the ninth floor. There was indeed a groove for the jade slip outside the tempering room, and Mo Wuji casually slid his jade slip into the groove, then the heavy stone door of the tempering room began to creak open.

After Mo Wuji entered the stone door, it automatically closed behind him. Upon preliminary inspection, the stone chamber he was in had at least 200 square meters in floor area, and around 10 meters in height. The chamber was completely empty, less three handles at the entrance. The first was labelled “Begin training”, the second labelled “Stop training”, and the last labelled “Open door”. Other than that, there was no dial or handle to adjust the strength of lightning in the chamber.