Hundred Sect Conference

As he thought of this, Mo Wuji suddenly said, "If you wish to recuperate in Tian Ji Sect, it's possible. However, you must join Tian Ji Sect. Or alternatively, you must at least stay in Tian Ji Sect for 10 years. During these 10 years, if Tian Ji Sect faces any attacks, you must help out. Of course, you must first swear a blood oath."

After establishing a blood oath, one must fully accord to it. Otherwise, you'll die terribly with your ashes scattered and soul destroyed.

What completely astounded Mo Wuji was that the Three-eyed Dhuta did not even hesitate and say, "Alright, I agree. I, Xing Huang, swear a blood oath to remain for 10 years, to live and die with Tian Ji Sect."

As he spoke, the Three-eyed Dhuta made a small cut on his forehead; a sphere of blood energy shot out as he began his blood oath. He did not even wait for Mo Wuji to speak a second time.