Leaving The Scene

While the auction was still going on, Mo Wuji had already started installing several array flags on his seats before leaving his seat unnoticed.

There were over 100,000 people here for this auction held by the Star Searching Commerce so no one would find it odd when someone left his seat.

After leaving his seat, Mo Wuji didn’t leave the auction place immediately but walked around the place for a while before returning back to the seat. The difference this time round was that he didn’t return to his original seat but another empty seat elsewhere.

For preventive sake, Solitary Red Knot and himself bought a total of 4 seats.

After settling down at his new seat, the array flags he installed earlier on ignited themselves and the seat ban was ignited once again.

As the auction was still ongoing, Mo Wuji didn’t bid for anything anymore. He didn’t even take out his Nirvana Pole Shadow to take a look at it but chose to shut his eyes and rest instead.