Deep Waters

While Mo Wuji locked into these six blackstones with his spiritual will, he hurriedly fetched out his Tian Ji Pole and started hammering the black ground.

The Tian Ji Pole was not suitable for digging, and coupled with the fact that this black ground was hard and resilient, Mo Wuji could only condense lightning on his Tian Ji Pole in order to dig out this black sand.

"Boom! Bang!" After two swings with his Tian Ji Pole reinforced with his lightning sword, a small hole around 30 centimeters deep was blasted open.

Mo Wuji was now much clearer on how difficult it was to excavate this black rock. Luckily, he was still able to blast the black sand away. As long as he continued to use his lightning-reinforced Tian Ji Pole, he would be able to eventually reach 9 meters deep.

Mo Wuji’s elemental energy was brimming, and he even had several elemental storage channels. Even if he continuously struck downwards, he would not need to rest.