Heavenly Emperor's Investigation

This was completely no problem with that! In fact, Mo Wuji was anxiously waiting for the purple-robed woman to actually suggest that. Then, he would agree immediately, and get the hell out of this forsaken place.

As expected, the purple-robed woman continued, "Today, your fate with Xiangyu will end. Today, I intend to make a decision for you and Xiangyu, to end this worldly marriage and to cleanse your dao hearts. If you meet again, you will merely be passers-by. Yan Ye, are you willing?"

Mo Wuji sighed in his heart; Murong Xiangyu would only be free from her inner demons when Yan Ye agrees to this willingly. If it was the original Yan Ye, even if he was forced to agree, he would definitely feel an ache in his heart. Fortunately, he wasn’t Yan Ye, and this purple robed woman was right; he was truly a mere passer-by.