You Are Not Suitable For The Supreme Dao Sect

"I’ve heard that it was taken away by the Heavenly Emperor of the Yong Ying Immortal Domain while the Devil Moon Immortal School’s Gu escaped with severe injuries. Rumours were that just before he made his escape, Gu managed to capture one of the Yong Ying Immortal Domain’s Heavenly Emperor’s concubine…" Dou Hualong was so good at his job he even reported details of the rumours heard from the streets.

Just when Mo Wuji was about to continue questioning, a group of people who just arrived across the streets made Mo Wuji stopped. Out of the eight people who arrived, Mo Wuji recognised two of them. One of them was Yan Ye’s titular wife Murong Xiangyu and the one following closely behind Murong Xiangyu, Qiao Qianyan.