I’ve Never Been Afraid Of You

"Mother, you’re…" When she noticed Shi Gulan sitting upright without the black colour underneath her skin, how could Lin Gu not know what had happened? She started to cry emotionally.

In her heart, the reason why her mother was ill for over a hundred years was because her mother had gone to find her an Immortal Wood Marrow. If her mother’s illness could not be treated, then she would never live with a healthy conscience.

Ao Song was also startled. A hint of aghast flashed through her eyes, but she immediately spoke in a pleasant voice, "I’m going to inform the Grand Elder."

With that, she turned and left. Mo Wuji turned towards Shi Gulan; he wanted to see whether Shi Gulan would ask Ao Song to stay. A hint of dejection flashed across Shi Gulan’s eyes as she shook her head towards Mo Wuji.