
In the shortest time possible, Mo Wuji made his decision. He rushed and said to Qian Zhicheng, "I'll leave this place to you. Be a good king and let the people have happy lives. Otherwise, you would just be another East Mon Church. Bring this message to my three disciples: ask them to continue to cultivate properly and find their own opportunities. They must not learn from the East Mon Church."

When he finished saying that, Mo Wuji immediately grabbed Hong Guang and Bin Lanxi and took a step out, disappearing into the vast starry sky.

"Yes, Qian Zhicheng will carefully remember immortal master's words…" Even though Mo Wuji's figure had already disappeared, Qian Zhicheng still kneeled on the ground and kowtowed.

Behind, the other country leaders also kneeled on the ground. After seeing Mo Wuji's terrifying sacred arts, none of them were without fear.