I Am Here To Kill Him

Mo Wuji wielded the Half Moon Weighted Halberd as he swept up a halberd radiance.

If Dao Feng’s blade radiance was falling like leaves in the sky, Mo Wuji’s halberd radiance would be like a fierce wind sweeping up a land of gravels.

The falling leaves brought along forlorn late autumn feels while the gravels swept up the grand and extravagant desert.

Both of them didn’t use their domain because this was not a fight but a duel between a blade dao sacred art and a halberd dao sacred art.

"Boom!" The falling leaves clashed with the grand desert and the entire sky was overwhelming with radiances. Killing intent could be felt everywhere around them as the sky full of falling leaves turned instantly into tiny blades while the grand desert on land exploded and started raging against the leaves.