The Directing Senior

"Crack!" Just as Ling Lunan finished saying that sentence, Mo Wuji's token transformed into a pure white pearl; the true Immortal Seeking Token had emerged. An arrow was pointing in a particular direction.

As Mo Wuji held the pearl in his hand, he could clearly feel the spiritual will contained within the pearl.

"The direction to walk has appeared. Let's hurry; the immortal sealing array is very big so we might have to take a very long time," Ling Lunan immediately said with glee when he saw the arrow on the Immortal Seeking Token.

After saying that, Ling Lunan observed that Mo Wuji still staring at the white pearl; so he promptly added, "That’s a bloodline seeking pearl; that arrow might pass by Senior Ji Li's location, but it might not necessarily reflect it. The moment the colour of the bloodline seeking pearl changes, it would mean that a cultivator with the same bloodline as Senior Ji Feiqian is nearby."

"That means you have one too?" Mo Wuji asked.