Ji Li

Mo Wuji followed accordingly to the red spot on the bloodline seeking token as he started shifting his body cautiously. Mo Wuji spent a total of over four hours to travel along 10 metres as he carefully observed every stone that appeared. It was only at this moment that Mo Wuji knew he had been relying completely on good fortune that he wasn’t trapped despite leaving the safe area for some time already.

Within this immortal sealing array, Mo Wuji could not be sure whether there would be no dangers at all or numerous dangers over the same distance of a few metres. In other words, it meant that there were pits everywhere.

After walking in this manner for over 20 days, Mo Wuji finally stopped as there was a willow about six to seven metres ahead of him. A haggard looking girl was tied onto the willow and even though only half her face could be seen, her astonishing beauty could no longer be concealed.