The Pillars Of The Immortal World

Seemingly noticing Mo Wuji's shock, Wen Lan hurriedly explained, "I am relatively sensitive to the dao changes in the Laws of the Heaven and Earth. I am even able to faintly detect the dao aura of those stronger than me. That waterfall of Immortal World has been cascading for countless of years, but I'm still able to sense the origins of the waterfall and gain enlightenment of a Grand Dao which belongs solely to me. Today, that waterfall has already become my magic treasure."

Mo Wuji only knew that Immortal Empress Wen Lan had gained enlightenment from a waterfall. However, he didn't know that the Immortal World really had a waterfall, and that waterfall had even become Immortal Empress Wen Lan's magic treasure. Regardless, he could tell that Immortal Empress Wen Lan's talent was frighteningly amazing.