Robbing Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion

"Haha…" Mo Wuji patted Shuai Guo on the head, "You're right. We are going to pass by Heaven's Beyond City Square."

He wasn't able to do anything to the other shops, but he could rake in some money from Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion. After 20 years of secluded cultivation, he was left with not more than 2 million green crystals. He would need a larger sum of green crystals in case he discovered something good in Heaven's Beyond Cosmos.

"My lord is truly wise…" Hearing his suggestion immediately get accepted, Shuai Guo was so contented that its butt almost seemed to float towards the Heavens.

However, Mo Wuji's following words instantly plunged it back into Hell, "Shuai Guo, I've thought about it. During this trip, it's best not to expose you. You will stay in the Undying World. I will bring you out once I reach Heaven's Beyond Cosmos."