World Of Man

When he flipped to the first page, he was greeted by six majestic, golden words: One Finger To Break Seven Worlds!

Even though Mo Wuji hadn't seen the contents at the back yet, he felt his scalp turning numb. One finger to break seven worlds? There was such a sacred art in Cosmos Edge?

He believed that his Wheel of Life and Death and his Spiritual Will Arrow were considered impressive sacred arts, but in front of this one finger, they really did not seem like much.

As he continued flipping, he was greeted by golden words. He could feel the energy of Creation flowing out the pages.

"It all began from primordial chaos. The cosmos split, forming millions of dao insights and millions of worlds… In this Dao, All Dharmas are empty. In Emptiness, there is no form, feelings, thought, will consciousness…"