God Lattice Has Different Grades Too

The ship’s cabin was very spacious and over 10 people were seated within in. Mo Wuji’s spirit storage channel’s spiritual will scanned through the cabin and could tell that these people’s spirit roots had all been completely destroyed. However, the elemental energy surrounding their body was still surging turbulently. Everything was stored within the Dantian as Mo Wuji guessed that they should have been given the Black Transformation Pill.

Mo Wuji didn’t speak as he found a place to sit down.

Just as he sat down, a skinny man shifted next to Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji furrowed his brows because since the entire cabin was so spacious, what was the meaning of this fella’s act?

"Big Brother, my name is Tian Nu. May I ask how do I address Big Brother?" The skinny man asked softly.