You Shall Be The Last To Die

Xi Nianmo stood up as she took out a green token to slap it on the stone table in front of her, "This is the Lightning Sword Manor Lord’s token left behind by my father. Could it be that even this token is not allowed to sit here?"

Without waiting for the beardless elder to speak, a youthful looking middle aged man stood up. "Nianmo, that seat is yours so there is no harm in you sitting on it."

Xi Nianmo heard this sentence and instantly bowed towards this middle aged man with slightly reddish eyes as she sat back down.

The beardless elder no longer had any objections when he heard the words of the middle aged man.

Mo Wuji sighed in his heart at how difficult this must have been for Xi Nianmo. There was finally someone willing to speak out for her. Moreover, this middle aged man didn’t seem to be any weaker than Xi Baren.