Remember Not To Offend Me

When Tang Wuzhen’s domain clashed with Mo Wuji’s whirlpool domain, it didn’t appear to affect Mo Wuji’s whirlpool domain at all. This was when Tang Wuzhen’s heart sank and he knew Mo Wuji was definitely not in the Nascent God Elementary Stage. In fact, Mo Wuji could be in the advanced or even Great Circle of the Nascent God Stage.

Tang Wuzhen, who was initially still underestimating Mo Wuji, no longer dared to do so. The oval-shaped magic treasure in his hands exploded as it turned into an oval-shaped starry sky array.

Stars, one after the other, started warping from within as it turned into a vast and boundless starry sky which had Mo Wuji trapped in the middle.

Just as Mo Wuji’s spiritual will started to blur out, his three Spiritual Will Arrows pierced through Tang Wuzhen’s domain. Presently, there was no longer any protective screen in front of Tang Wuzhen.