Huge Rewards

After killing Senior Brother Death, Wu Liang, Mo Wuji brought out a jade box and swept that floating Primal God Lattice in.

The moment Mo Wuji kept the eight-sided crystal, the space around him started to turn turbulent.

Not good, this place is going to collapse. Just as Mo Wuji thought of this, the rocks around him began to fall like dominoes - they began to crumble continuously. The space around him was a huge mess of chaos.

Mo Wuji sighed as he hurriedly entered his Undying World. He didn't wish to get injured during such a collapse.

As Mo Wuji's location collapsed, those standing outside the gorge all felt it. The ground beneath them also started to break down. The Laws around them turned chaotic, sweeping up copious amounts of sand and rocks. It was like a whirlpool formed within that gorge; everything in the surroundings was swept away by this whirlpool.