I Am A Mortal

Mian He brought Mo Wuji into a building at the borders of large farmland. The stone building had six floors, but only a few people occupied the inside.

Mo Wuji thought that the beautiful woman had asked Mian He to bring him over, and also to instruct the Manager Guang to take care of him. Logically speaking, that woman should have had some level of power. However, once he entered, he suspected whether he had guessed wrongly.

None of the people greeted Mian He after seeing her.

By the time she had brought him to a large room on the top floor, none of the people in the room stood up, which alerted him to how weird the greeting situation was.

"Manager Guang, Lady Mei asked me to send Mo Wuji here to work. Give him some land, and arrange for him to stay at somewhere better." Mian He spoke courteously.