A Merchant House Tries To Scam Its Customer

Gong Kai didn't respond to Mo Wuji's words; he only stared at Mo Wuji with wide eyes. Tier 5 god herbs and the more the better? Did you think that Tier 5 god herbs were some vegetables you could find in the market?

After a while, Gong Kai finally composed himself and said, "This Dao Friend, do you know the price of a Tier 5 god herb?"

Drops of sweat began to form on Mo Wuji's head; he really didn't know the price of a Tier 5 god herb.

A hint of disappointment appeared in Gong Kai's eyes. This guy, really! 

Even though he started to view Mo Wuji with contempt, he still explained, "Even the worst Tier 5 god herb is priced at around 10,000 high-grade god crystals. If it's an average Tier 5 god herb, then its price would go up to 30,000. The best kinds of Tier 5 god herbs, such as the Clear Jade God Flower, could fetch up to millions of god crystals in auctions."