Mo Wuji Gives Free Points

Jian Sha said indifferently, "The God Continent has too many Tier 5 God Pill Kings. These people only got here through large piles of god herbs. Besides wasting god herbs, what use to they have to the Pill Dao of the God Continent? However, this Rogue Cultivator 2705 seems to have some skill with refining god herbs. If it is proven that he isn't the descendant of the Eternal River Pill Dao, then we can have him join my Nirvana Learning Academy's Pill Sea."

"If it's verified that this person isn't the descendant of the Eternal River Pill Dao, I will definitely relay the message to this rogue cultivator," Shi Caihe clasped his fists and said.

Mo Wuji was very disappointed. He was a Tier 5 God Pill King but he couldn't pass the Tier 5 God Pill King Assessment. With his control over Tier 5 god pills, Mo Wuji could proudly say that the number of people stronger than him in the entire God Continent could be counted in only one hand.