Let Me Try

"That's right, I'm God Monarch Pu Peng from the Big Dipper God Path so please start your attack." The tall man with shoulder length hair spoke as his mighty God Monarch's aura swept outwards. In that instant, the defensive array of this temporary battlestage started to crack.

"Since this is the case, Ju Shen shall learn from you." Even though the other party was a God Monarch, Ju Shen was still the number one Heavenly God of Nirvana Learning Academy. Naturally, he wouldn't back down like a coward.

Seeing that Ju Shen was really going to fight a real God Monarch, all the spectators grew interested. Ju Shen was ranked number one among the Heavenly Gods so if he could defeat a God Monarch, it would be a great motivation for all the Heavenly Gods around.

The space around the battle stage seemed to have been ripped as Ju Shen's massive banner turned into flaming hot energy.

Cultivators located nearer to the battlestage moved away rapidly.