Kun Yun’s Pot

Kun Yun's Pot

"God Race's Huan Ji was killed by this person?" The short man turned around as he looked at Kun Yun astonishingly.

"Scram or I will not spare your life," Kun Yun was like a rogue as he shouted once more.

When he said this, the spatial laws surrounding them started to change abruptly. A space which did not belong to this place was instantly felt by the short man. His face turned pale immediately because what did it signify if someone's laws were much higher than the space around them? This would mean that the other party had surpassed a Unity God expert.

Before he could continue thinking, a suffocating deathly energy enveloped him. This short expert didn't even dare to utter a word as he turned and left without a trace.

He was certain that if he didn't leave any moment now, this fella carrying a pot really wouldn't spare his life.