The Death Of An Old Friend

Mo Wuji grabbed towards the empty space in front of him and the Half Moon Weighted Halberd appeared in his hand. After which, he spoke extremely slowly, "That's right. I have the Phecda Clay. If you're capable, then come and snatch it from me."

Meng Ye whipped his horsetail whisk, causing billions of white whiskers to shoot towards Mo Wuji, "You are the most arrogant Unity God ant that I've met. Let's see whether you have the qualifications to say those words…"

Meng Ye stopped abruptly. He discovered that his billion whiskers did not move in the way he had planned. They were easily sealed by Mo Wuji. After which, he tried to grab towards Mo Wuji with an elemental hand.

Even if Mo Wuji was any weaker, he wouldn't be grabbed by Meng Ye's elemental hand. His Half Moon Weighted Halberd also conjured billions of halberd light which shot towards Meng Ye's billions of whiskers. God elemental energy exploded violently in the air.