Ku Xinren’s Foot Washing Water

Tong Ming shook his head, "There's no way back. To get back, we would need the help of the God Throne World, which was the World of Ruins which had just collapsed. Now that the World of Ruin's origin source has been extracted, it has been reduced into stray pieces of rock lost in space. The transfer array that led to the Seven World Stone no longer exists."

Mo Wuji's face turned black. It seems like every time he found a place with a transfer array to the Seven World Stone, that place would be destroyed. He wondered whether the Immortal World's Great Desolate Sea Domain had also been destroyed.

Tong Ming could sense Mo Wuji's discontent, so he didn't speak any further. In his heart, he was thinking that Mo Wuji was actually the one to blame for this matter.

If Mo Wuji wasn't so vicious in his actions, perhaps they might be able to use the transfer array before the World of Ruins completely collapsed.