A True Passer-by

Everyone looked at Mo Wuji in shock. Even Qi Qian couldn't comprehend Mo Wuji's decision. He did guess that Mo Wuji might not be any weaker than him. However, so what if Mo Wuji wasn't weaker than him?

How long has he been trapped in this iron cage prison? How long has Mo Wuji been here? Qi Qian would restrain Mo Wuji in the shortest possible time after he entered the iron cage. Once he managed to trap Mo Wuji, what could a mere Xi Nianmo do?

At the moment Mo Wuji stepped into the cage, both Qi Qian and Mo Wuji acted simultaneously.

The only difference was that Qi Qian sent a magic treasure radiance towards Mo Wuji while Mo Wuji's spirit storage channel spiritual will surged towards the wooden box. Mo Wuji really didn't regard Qi Qian, a mere Unity God Level 4 expert, highly.