
Luo Xingzi was lost for words. He thought hard for a long time, only to come up with no rebuttal.

The brilliance in Iron Commander Zhou Hengdao's eyes dimmed, but it constricted into a red pot that was smaller and solider, like burning firewood. He said toughly, "Fellow Cultivator Luo Xingzi, I am a soldier, and I do not like fancy talk. So, let's get everything straight here.

"The Flying Star Sector hopes that the three Sectors can work together to resist the Imperium of True Human Beings, but the previous two assaults have proven that it is just a one-sided dream and a childish fantasy!

"The Blood Demon Sector is never going to cooperate. Even if they pretend to, it must be part of their greater scheme!

"In a war, the only thing more dangerous than a terrible enemy is a terrible teammate. Do you really want a teammate like the Blood Demon Sector behind your back when the Imperium of True Human Beings comes?