Insatiable Ravenousness!

The question made Li Linghai smile and look at Dongfang Sheng, commander of the Deep Sea Fleet.

In a sniff, Dongfang Sheng said slowly, "The highest commander of all the fleets of the Dongfang family today is 'Dongfang Polang'. That old fart has been the general commander of the family fleets since a hundred years ago, and judging from his vigorousness, he can easily live another hundred years.

"If such an old fart holds the position of the general commander of the family fleets for two hundred years, how can the people below him ever rise to the top?

"Besides, as one grows old, one tends to be rigid, arrogant, and without any creativity and courage to try new things. They also do not see eye to eye with the ideas and tactics of the young people. It was really a waste of life to be commanded by such an old fart and watch the family fleets grow ossified after each other, which felt worse than death.