Death of the Observer

The breaking news caught Li Yao's attention.

It was not that the shooting itself was strange. In the hegemonic country on the other side of the ocean, guns were everywhere, extremists were everywhere, and there were ambiguous interests between the leadership and the arms dealers. The 'Gun Control Act' was often aborted, and similar shooting incidents happened from time to time. This year alone, Li Yao had heard of at least three to five shooting incidents with heavy casualties. There was even a concert in which there were more than five hundred casualties. It was an out-and-out massacre.

In the beginning, there were still people who considered the shooting case to be a negotiation. They were in high spirits, and their saliva was flying everywhere. As similar incidents occurred more and more frequently, more and more people stopped caring about it. To this day, however many massacres there were, it was still not big news.