We all have intentions

As if it was an unwritten rule, the majority of the inhabitants awaited the arrival of the gangster quitely. The leading members even prepared the portion of the Crystal Pea that was to be handed over to the gangster.

“Fifteen kilograms of the Crystal Pea, you can have it weighed on the scale.” The leading member was the stout woman he saw in the office. She handed the container to a man who held a semi-automatic rifle.

“Why do they have firearms?” Witnessing the process so far, Chang turned his head, asking Rui.

“You can see them with guns from here?” Rui was perplexed, standing in the crowd.

“I guessed, the shadow seem like guns.” Chang answered ambiguously, adding, “Why do they have guns? I thought only the military have them.”

“It’s because they have connections in the military.” Rui dropped his question about Chang’s unusual vision. “The military would have confiscated them if they were not shielded.”

“I see.”