Steel-Grade Leather Armour

Killing this two-headed fatty had been a piece of cake last time and it wouldn’t be too difficult this time either. This was in spite of the fact that the Instance Dungeon was now 40% harder than last time and that the fatty had a new skill.

A continuously moving wall of fire appeared around him, which would cause a player to receive massive damage and be Burned if they touched it. There wouldn’t even be time for healing before the player was killed.

In order to fight Glubtok, players had to slip past the wall of fire and attack it, while fighting off the smaller monsters that it summoned. None of this was a requirement in the Normal Level Instance Dungeon.

Remnant Dream held on to Lu Li’s Leather Armour as she followed him closely. She would occasionally attack as well.

The little tiger, who was named “Cutey”, was put on the ‘follow’ mode and followed closely behind its master. After all, it was still too low-levelled to be of any help.