Two Lu Li's

Two Lu Lis

Gaze killed March Rain, but he didn’t feel the slightest bit of exhilaration. This girl was too competitive – even if she knew she was going to die eventually, she would still try her best to survive.

Her competitive personality caused Gaze to lose his chance to support the Mage.

Or rather, he miscalculated – he thought that he could kill the Priest, then turn around and save the Mage in time.

Accidents always happened; he underestimated the completion level of Lu Li’s skills. Even a Berserker like himself was petrified by the damage Lu Li could deal, not to mention that March Rain was unexpectedly hard to defeat.

Two against two!

It was hard to say which side had the advantage. Gaze could heal, but his damage output was limited. Since he was the only one standing, it would be hard for him to quickly kill either Lu Li or Moonlight by himself.

As for Lu Li and Moonlight, they were a violent combination.