A Sense Of Danger

The changes in the level rankings had given Lu Li a sense of danger.

He had been able to speed past the other players in the early stages of the game, whether it was in terms of levels or First Clears, because of his rebirth.

However, he had since learnt one crucial thing: rebirth wasn’t the be all and end all.

As time went by and the other players’ technique improved with disciplined training, the gap between them was closing.

Skill Completion was one example of this. When he was hitting 80% Skill Completion in the Novice Village, the high-level players at the time could only hit 50% Skill Completion, even after intense practice.

While he was able to perform a 95% Skill Completion now, there were many people who were able to reach 90% Skill Completion.

Slowly but surely, the other players would close in on his 95%.

Because it was really hard to get past 95%, he would inevitably be caught up to or even overtaken.