Time Freezing

Bloodmage Thalnos was from the Kirin Tor faction and was an absolute asshole.

Kirin Tor was a Mage organisation dedicated to researching and documenting all forms of human magic, and had existed for over a thousand years.

A long time ago, most Wizards and Magi resided in Stormwind City. However, the ruler during those times was afraid of magic and sorcery and thus, began setting up restrictions and limitations to control the powers of these Mages. Most of them fled to the North and built the City of Dalaran with the help of the High Elves.

As time went on, more and more came to seek shelter in Dalaran, which became a paradise for Mages.

However, as their numbers and power grew, more and more magi began to practice their arts. This caused the fabric of reality around Dalaran began to weaken and tear, allowing the demons of the Burning Legion to enter the world.