People That Shouldn’t Be Offended

The sunrise and sunset in Dawn was completely different from reality.

The Tirisfal Woodlands were always covered by a night sky. The Scourge that had ravaged Lordaeron during the war meant that no one had ever seen the blue sky or the white clouds there ever since.

Wherever the Dark Queen Sylvanas occupied, the sky was perpetually dark.

When Lu Li logged on, he appeared in a nameless camp.

Those soldiers that weren’t killed by the Scourge retreated into the mountains in an attempt to recover. Unfortunately, their people kept dying and as their numbers grew smaller, the thought of a comeback became a joke.

It took less than 20 minutes to return to the Scarlet Monastery from the small camp.

On the way, they also conveniently went by Lordamere Lake and killed Vishas’s wife – Nancy. Nancy wasn’t difficult to kill, but she was still considered an elite monster.

As per what they had decided, Lu Li and Moonlight pushed ahead first.