Chased by Monkeys

The Gorilla jumped several yards and easily closed the distance. It jumped high into the air and landed, shaking the earth and creating a mini-earthquake that almost made Lu Li fall over.

There was no point of being in Stealth anymore, so Lu Li transformed into Cat form and ran away.

The Blue Mane Gorilla hesitated for a second when it saw Lu Li’s transformation. In order to add realness to the game, the System gave the Bosses real-life intelligence. It acted surprised and slightly confused when Lu Li turned into a cat.

With the split second of delay, Lu Li managed to increase the distance between them again.

The Gorilla felt ridiculed and appeared to have become even more angry. It grabbed a boulder near him and threw it towards Lu Li.

Lu Li never looked back, but heard the swooshing sound of an object piercing through the air at high speed and immediately changed the direction he was running in.