A Land Of Milk and Honey

Why did the monster have such a cold body in such a hot environment?

Lu Li tried to pull away, but he was horrified to find that the monster was pulling him in the direction of the magma.

He also found out that this monster that he initially thought was a snake, wasn’t actually a snake. Beyond the thing that was wrapped around his body, the rest of the monster was still far into the darkness.

This meant that what he could see was only a part of the monster.

‘Stay calm, don’t panic!’

Lu Li tried to grasp onto anything he could nearby to avoid being dragged away with one hand, and was beating at the monster with his Shard of the Defiler with his other hand.

There were many rocks jutting out on the ground and Lu Li grabbed as many of these as possible to reduce his speed.

The monster was slippery, so his attacks often failed, but it seemed quite sensitive as he could see it quivering with every hit. He could also hear screams in the distance.