Don’t Underestimate Stupid Ideas

Fire Nova Totem, Healing Totem and Earthgrab Totem – these were the three totems that Antu’sul knew how to use.

The Earthgrab totem snared everyone, the Fire Nova Totem dealt a high amount of AoE damage, while the Healing totem, as its name suggested, healed the Boss and his minions.

The advantage of totems compared to regular skills was that they would remain in effect until they timed out. However, they barely had any health and could be easily taken out.

Besides dealing damage, Lu Li paid attention to the totems.

He could one-shot the Earthgrab Totem and the Healing Totem. The Fire Nova Totem was the only one that was a bit little troublesome – it had 300 points of health and decent armor. Lu Li needed two or three hits to destroy it.

It was easier for Hunters to do this job compared to Thieves, as they were the fastest with their arrows. Unfortunately, Remnant Dream’s game sense and reaction time didn’t qualify for this.