Zul Bug

The Xin Xin Mercenary Group had just defeated Antu’Sul – a stumbling block that had stopped other guild players for days.

This news quickly spread through the channels, but it wasn’t because Square Root 3 released the information publicly. Nor was it because there was a rat in Ruling Sword. It was because of the changes on the level rankings.

Lu Li was rapidly increasing in level, but this was just an accepted occurrence.

However, he wasn’t simply fighting monsters, as the players knew that fighting regular monsters didn’t increase your EXP that quickly.

Currently, most average players were struggling at around level 35. Only a small proportion of high-end players were at level 36, 37 and 38. Lu Li was the sole player that had reached level 39.

No one could say that Lu Li had just gotten lucky. Even if he was lucky at first, the other players should have caught up to him by now.

There were many players trying to contact Lu Li and buy his strategy.