Blowing Up The Door

After collecting the drops from the Boss, there were still the corpses of monsters that had yet to be looted.

It was impossible to loot them all before they despawned. Who knew how many drops and materials they would miss out on? However, they weren’t too worried about this because there was probably nothing valuable or special.

"How is this.. How is this possible?" After the battle was over and all the spoils had been taken, the goblin NPC remained in disbelief.

"Mr Weegli, should we have a conversation regarding our rewards?" Lu Li asked in a condescending manner, staring at the Goblin as if he was about to kill him.

Of course, Lu Li wasn’t actually intending on killing the poor Goblin. Otherwise, all the Goblins of Gadgetzan would despise him.

Besides, Lu Li would nothing from killing him.

"Gosh, I don’t have 20 pieces of Gold Grade Equipment…" Weegli had no idea that Sergeant Brad would be so useless; he had barely even put up a fight.