Wandering The Cannon Fodder

Wandering served as Cannon Fodder which saved Lu Li a lot of trouble; he just had to keep dealing damage.

These Fire Ants were covered in a thick layer of armor – they excelled in defense, but also had a high attack damage. Their attacks were accompanied by effects such as pain, fire poison and Armor Penetration. If Lu Li was by himself, he would have to sit down and recover after he fought two monsters.

However, the story was different with Wandering by his side.

Wandering was a Paladin who specialized in Defense. He was a master of all aspects, able to tank, heal and also deal damage.

The damage that the monsters dealt to him wasn't much; he could heal himself back up and only needed to drink blue potions occasionally to sustain himself. However, the pain effect took a mental toll on him.

"That stone is mine," Wandering said with hate in his voice.

"You want a stone with an Intelligence attribute? What for?" Lu Li didn't quite understand.