A Cute Kind of Stupidity

It was fine even if they lost some equipment; Captain Sanders' Belt was level 30 and was going to be replaced soon anyway. What Lu Li cared about the most was his experience bar. A 20% experience loss nearly left him in tears; that would be equivalent to two days of effort for him.

After using seven rare materials on the Blood Fang Altar, his experience bar had only increased by 20%.

Guild members could edit their own statuses. For example, they could set their statuses as 'doing a dungeon', 'PK' if they were on the Battlegrounds or 'spare' if they have nothing to do. Lu Li looked through the list of guild players to find Thieves who were on 'spare'.

Most guild members set a status, especially those from the elite group.

Four Thieves from the elite groups joined the team – Wolf Fang, Scarlet New Moon, Insufficient Energy and Bloodlust Sun. They were chatting in the guild channel and seemed as if they had nothing to do, which was why Lu Li picked them.