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Square Root 3 was certain that the analyst would ask Lu Li what he thought about these two guilds.

Theoretically, Lu Li should favor Peerless City.

Peerless City and Ruling Sword were both allies with Drizzle Court. Although these two guilds had no direct connection with each other, they were on good terms because of Drizzle Court.

For example, if players from Ruling Sword had a dispute with another guild, Peerless City would definitely lend a helping hand, and vice versa.

The two guilds would rarely fight each other for Wild Bosses. Rather, they would kill their competitors first and take down the Boss together. The loot would then be distributed between the two parties.

The two only lacked the formalities to make them official allies.

It was Purple Lunar Paradise who wasn't on good terms with Ruling Sword. In fact, they were enemies because Purple Lunar Paradise was connected with the Gangnam Royals.