Weather-Beaten Journal

After the spoils were distributed, everyone left and went on to do their own thing.

Such was the life of gamers; they only come together when called by the guild. The rest of the time, they usually travelled alone or in small groups and trained to make themselves more powerful.

By travelling alone, they had the drops to themselves and were also paid by the guild, meaning that most of these players were pretty well off.

They could also train in large groups where guilds members willingly partied-up to take up an entire map by kicking out outsiders.

However, Ruling Swords rarely did this because the land of Azeroth was vast and open. There was no need to fight over normal monsters unless there was a map full of weak monsters that offered good EXP or if a guild was hunting a particular monster for a rare drop.

Lu Li decided not to train today and chose to spend his time with his little sister instead.