Marching into Stratholme

Not An Elementary Student had been running for a while and stopped to breathe. When she looked back, she discovered that Lu Li had not kept up with her.

"Did he get killed?" she thought to herself worriedly.

Perhaps Lu Li didn't escape to save her, and fought until his dying breath. He was surrounded by a group of people and fought until his last drop of blood…

She was touched by the image formed by her own brain and resolutely said to herself, "No, I need to go back for him. Even if I die, at least we will die together."

The little girl then turned around and ran towards the woods, but before she reached the line of trees, she saw Lu Li limping out.

Not An Elementary Student was stunned for a moment, before being overjoyed and rushing over to Lu Li.

"Big bro, you haven't died!"