Lu Li Cooking Sweet Potatoes

Lu Li sat in the alleyway to kill some time, then suddenly heard some sirens.

This was when he remembered that he had forgotten something. The last two hours of the game were the hardest to endure. There was nothing wrong with hiding, but he wasn't supposed to be hiding from these gangsters.

The sirens reminded him that all the police in the city had begun to move too.

Lu Li quickly left the alleyway, but was met with a dead end. If he was caught in a dead end, there would be no escape, not to mention, he couldn't explain why he was there.

After walking back onto the street, a number of police cars rushed past. Apparently, these models were popular around 200 years ago.

Lu Li tried his best to avoid them, because it didn't matter how innocent he seemed. Chances were, he would be stopped and questioned. If he was caught, then all his points would be gone too.

In the beginning, there were only a few cars, but they increased in number.