
This was a common occurrence in the game; it even happened in reality.

Not all efforts would result in a reward. Sometimes, if you choose to move in the wrong direction, you wouldn't gain anything no matter how hard you tried.

This was the problem with Glory Capital's Instance Dungeon attempts. In the stage where there were innumerable illusions, it wasn't feasible to look for the real body. In fact, finding the real body wouldn't even help that much. It was best to just clear out as many illusions as possible.

Additionally, Square Root 3 also passed on some news.

There were some people keeping track of Ruling Sword' progress from a guild called Promising Future. They weren't particularly reputable, but they also weren't completely unknown.

"This guild is also located in Imperial City, not far from Glory Capital," Square Root 3 added.

"You mean…" Lu Li felt like this was quite absurd.