A Different Approach

When Ras Frostwhisper casted Frost Armour on himself, Lonesome Flower felt defeated.

His Frost Mage skills were basically useless against the Boss and he was dealing less damage than the Warlock pets. He felt ashamed when he saw that his sister was dealing more damage than him.

The rest of the team wasn't doing as bad as Lonesome Flower, but things weren't going well either.

"This is impossible; there's got to be another way."

At this rate, they would need the entire party to be at least Lv55 or above to defeat Ras Frostwhisper.

Lu Li saw that the time was right and guided his team members to think from a different point of view.

"Like I've said before, the gaming developers wouldn't design a Boss that's impossible to defeat. There must be something that will either help us deal more damage or make the Boss weaker. As soon as we find whatever that is, we'll have a higher chance of defeating him."